The fight for survival is almost unimaginable for people who do not set out to flee across the dangerous Mediterranean themselves. Crammed together on unseaworthy boats, groups of people sometimes drift for days on the open sea in storms, cold, heat and rain without food, drink or medicine, far from any hope of rescue. We, the Sea Punks, a non-profit association from Bad Kreuznach, strive for a society without racism – a society in which refugees are welcomed and supported in making a new start. For a society in which these people are perceived as part of the community and not as a problem. And above all for a society that does not stand by and watch people die because they are ignored, turned away or pushed back on their escape route. The Sea Punks want a politically enlightened humanist society.
We see the death of refugees in the Mediterranean as a global problem that will continue as long as flight is the only way for people to escape wars, political conflicts and/or a lack of livelihoods in their home countries.

We have seen enough of people dying every day for decades as they flee across the Mediterranean. As a non-profit organization, the Sea Punks therefore have only one goal in mind: civil sea rescue in the Mediterranean with a rescue-capable ship.
We have bought a ship, the Sea Punk One, so that we can save the lives of refugees in the Mediterranean.
Sea Punks e. V. is a non-profit organization for civilian sea rescue in the Mediterranean.