Hey you!
We wish you a healthy new year 2024.
2023 was the most eventful year for us so far. Despite many obstacles, we finally managed to successfully launch the ship. We did what we set out to do three years ago: help those who risk their lives trying to escape across the Mediterranean.
What also happened in 2023: The project, which started four years ago as a small idea in a few heads, has now become much bigger than we initially thought. The Sea Punks have grown: from a seven-member association to a solidarity movement.
The Sea Punks are:
- Street teams all over Germany.
- Bands that carry our shirts and our message throughout Europe.
- Many, many helping hands on the ship and on land.
We keep rubbing our eyes (sometimes from exhaustion and lack of sleep) and can hardly believe what has happened to us.
All this is only possible with you! So let’s carry on together in 2024.
War, persecution, destruction, a shift to the right – there is little reason to be optimistic in the new year. But there is also something that gives us hope: every single person who supports us and other civilian sea rescue organizations. Despite all the shit we have to deal with – together we can do something! We can look at instead of looking away and help where we can.
Every life counts.
We also need your help and support in 2024. Let’s go on. ❤
Here is some more information for you about our work, where we are, what we are doing and what lies ahead of us.
Love & Rage
Your Sea Punks!
SEA PUNK I: next rotation planned
Our ship is currently in the port of Augusta, Sicily. With the help of volunteers, we have been working there every day for the past few months to get the Sea Punk I ready for its next rotation.
We had to carry out repairs after the first operation last September, which have now been completed. We also had to comply with new requirements imposed on us by the Italian authorities following a Port State Control.This process is completely normal for ships and – at least so far – has nothing to do with political harassment! As is so often the case, however, the implementation of all the requirements took time, because the mills of bureaucracy grind slowly and we are still a small voluntary association in which we are dependent on the support of people who donate their skills and time to us. All the necessary work will soon be completed and we are preparing for the upcoming operation.
If you would like to know in detail how our first rotation went last September, you can find our mission report here: Rotation report Sea Punk I – Sea Punks e.V.
FUNDRAISING : Adspendscalendar
Last month, the – let’s call him ‘influencer’ – El Hotzo called for donations for the third time in a row with his annual Adspendscalendar. As one of the six projects supported, we received over €52,000!
We are a relatively small association and do not accept any state or church funding. This makes regular support from artists and their followers all the more important to us. These donations finance our commitment to civil sea rescue.
Many thanks to everyone who donated, many thanks to El Hotzo for the campaign!
Love, so much love!

STREET TEAMS: We are growing
A large part of our income comes from our Germany-wide network of street teams. Here, incredibly hard-working, kind people volunteer at events and provide information about civil sea rescue, escape routes, collect donations and sell our merchandise.
Last year, over €150,000 (!) was generated at 210 events. A Danger Dan and Deichkind concert alone raised each over €4,000!
A thousand thanks to all the fantastic artists, bands and solidarity party organizers, and an incredible number of hearts to our 100 street team members who never tire of talking about us and stand at the stand even in adverse conditions and sometimes sub-zero temperatures. Our street teamers have become an essential part of our fundraising over the past year, without them our work in sea rescue would not be possible!
Would you also like to actively support us and inform people with good music and entertainment? Then get in touch at streetteams@seapunks.de
You can find our next events on our social media channels.

MEDIA: Arte and ProSieben
On December 20th, ProSieben aired a 10-minute report about our first rotation. If you would like to see it (again), here is the link. (https://www.joyn.de/play/highlight/serien/zervakis-opdenhoevel-live/sea-punks-leben-retten-im-mittelmeer?from=%2Fsuche%3Fq%3Dsea%2520punks)
On Tuesday, Jan 16th at 7:40 pm, ARTE will broadcast the report ‘Re: Lebensretter auf dem Mittelmeer’, which, among other topics, accompanies the first rotation of the Sea Punk I.
Do you know our social media channels?
You can find the latest developments, information on escape routes, new campaigns and much more on our social media channels.